

Markstay-Warren Community Alerts
Latest News
Two local playgrounds are getting upgrades
July 19, 2024

The Municipality of Markstay-Warren is upgrading the Warren and Hagar Playground. | La municipalité de Markstay-Warren rénove le terrain de jeu de Warren et Hagar.

answers on taxation
Budget 2024 Explanation [Updated on July 17th]
July 17, 2024

Municipal staff would like to answer some of the questions that have been asked in the last weeks regarding taxation and zoning. | Le personnel de la municipalité aimerait clarifier quelques informations qui circulent au sujet des impôts et du zonage.

Grocery Coop for Markstay-Warren
June 18, 2024

Seeking Farmers/Individuals interested in participating in the development of a Grocery Coop for Markstay-Warren to reach out. | À la recherche des personnes intéressées pour participer à l'élaboration d'un Épicerie Coop pour Markstay-Warren.

food market
Good Food Market Schedule
June 14, 2024

Come visit the Good Food Market in your area! | Venez au Marché de bonne bouffe de votre secteur!

natural gas
Project Commencement for Natural Gas
June 3, 2024

Come view the document to know which areas may be disrupted temporarily for the project. | Venez consulter le document pour connaître les zones qui pourraient être perturbées temporairement en raison du projet.

sudbury east
Community Resources and Services Document
May 24, 2024

Want to know the services and resources available in your area? Come check out this document from Sudbury East Family. | Vous souhaitez connaître les services et ressources disponibles dans votre région? Venez consulter ce document.

Splash Pad Opening
May 24, 2024

The Markstay Splash pad is re-opening for the 2024 summer season. | Le Markstay Splash pad rouvre pour la saison 2024.

Revitalization project [Updated May 21st, 2024]
May 21, 2024

Presentation Q&A session with R.V. Anderson Associates Limited. | Présentation/questions-réponses avec R.V. Anderson Associates Limited.

April 4th Meeting Q&A Document Updated
May 28, 2024

A follow up on April 4th meeting. | Un suivi à la réunion du 4 avril.

April 4th's Special Meeting Presentation
May 28, 2024

Special Presentation powerpoint | Présentation spéciale PowerPoint

Watershed Conditions Statement - Water Safety
May 28, 2024

Article on water safety | Article de sécurité sur l’eau

Newsletter Archive 2023-2024
May 24, 2024

Come read our newsletter archives from 2023-2024. | Venez lire nos archives de bulletin d'information de 2023-2024.

Information on vaping and e-cigarettes
March 20, 2024

What parents and caregivers need to know about vaping and e-cigarettes. | What parents and caregivers need to know about vaping and e-cigarettes.

newsletter information
Newsletter on hold | Bulletin en attente
March 20, 2024

Update | Mise à jour

drug warning
Drug Warning | Mise en garde sur les drogues
March 29, 2024

Increase in suspected drug poisonings (overdoses) | hausse des surdoses soupçonnées

Toxic Drug Advisory | Avis sur les drogues toxique
March 20, 2024

Medetomidine/Dexmedetomidine confirmed in Ontario | Nouveau tranquillisant pour animaux dans les drogues offertes en Ontario

Still seeking new members for committees! UPDATED
May 28, 2024

The Municipality of Markstay-Warren is seeking new members for their Committees. | La municipalité de Markstay-Warren recrute des nouveaux membres pour leurs comités.

eCommerce is no longer accepted
March 20, 2024

Payment by Credit card is no longer accepted. | Le paiement par carte bancaire n'est plus accepté.

enbridge story
Enbridge donation helps Firefighters
February 26, 2024

Enbridge Article | Article d'Enbridge

Public Notice | Avis Public
March 8, 2024

Pre-Approved Payment plan information. | Renseignements sur le plan de paiement préapprouvé.

Municipal Asset Management
Municipal Asset Management
July 21, 2023

Municipal Asset Management

2022 Official Election Results
2022 Official Election Results
March 13, 2023

2022 Official Election Results

Municipal Events
Summer Library Activities & Sports
Monday, July 29, 2024 1:00 PM - 7:30 PM

July Sports and recreation, register now! | Sports et loisirs de juillet, inscrivez-vous maintenant!

Municipal Calendar
Regular Council Meeting
Markstay and Livestream
Tap this card to view the details of Regular Council Meeting
Regular Council Meeting
Markstay and Livestream
Tap this card to view the details of Regular Council Meeting