Living HereProperty Tax & Assessment

Property Tax & Assessment

The municipal taxes are billed in two separate billings throughout the year. Each bill is divided into two installments. 

The Municipality of Markstay-Warren establishes taxation levies based on the MPAC assessments.

The budget By-LawThis link opens in a new window for the year being considered for the specific rates. 


  • Billing Cycle: Four (4) per year.
  • Typical Interim billing: February and March (may vary slightly)
  • Interim bill amount: 50% of the previous year's annualized taxes for your property
  • Final Billing: July and August
  • inal bill amount: Will reflect any increase/decrease in your assessment for the taxation year.

 Method of Payment 

Pre-Authorized Payment Plan (PAP). (on the 10th or the 20th of each month) Pre-authorized Payment Plan FormThis link opens in a new window

  • Cash
  • Cheque
  • Debit
  • Online
  • TelPay

 Should you have any questions about your tax bill, please contact our office Tax Clerk.

Tax Calculation involves the following:

Tax Residential Rate + Education Rate + OPP fee per property.

  • The Residential Tax Rate is the ONLY rate municipalities have control over BUT it is based on MPAC property assessments which municipalities have NO control over.
  • For the purpose of the calculation below, both tax rates (residential and education) have been combined to give you the result in the calculation below.
  • The OPP fee is a FLAT fee collected by the municipality for fees charged by the OPP. For 2022, this fee has been determined BY OPP to be $319.39 per property.
  • When taking into account the calculation below based on your property value, you MUST add the OPP fee to get the FULL amount payable to Markstay-Warren.


      1. MPAC Assessed Residential Property Value: $100,000;
      2. The calculator below gives the amount for Municipal and Education taxes which is $1,404.39;
      3. Taking into account the OPP flat fee per property of $319.39;
      4. The Total amount payable to Markstay-Warren is $1,404.39 + $319.39 = $1,723.78 for 2022 taxation.

Enter your property value to the nearest dollar.

Select the property type from the list

Based on your assessment of your total calculated property tax is $0.00

Here's how your property taxes are allocated:

Municipal Taxes Amount Allocated
Municipal Taxes $0.00
Total: Municipal Taxes $0.00
Calculations are based on the 0 Tax Rates.Budget Total $0.00

Note: This calculator provides estimates only. Tax bills containing your final tax amount are mailed out by the Treasury Department, and may differ from those presented by this calculator. Due to variances in rounding, actual allocations may differ slightly. Also, tax amount applies only to the assessed value referred to above and does not include any special charges (garbage and recycling fees) and credit amounts or levies that are part of the capping calculation.