Your GovernmentBy-Laws


Waste Management By-law
Being a by-law to enter into an agreement for contracting with Yveroy Enterprises for the collection, removal, and disposal of garbage.
Clean Yard By-law
Being a by-law to provide for the maintenance of land (clean yard by-law) within the Municipality of Markstay-Warren.
Building By-law
Being a by-law respecting construction, demolition, and change of use permits and inspections.
Property Standards By-law
Being a by-law to provide standards for the maintenance and occupancy of property in the Municipality.
Open Burning By-law
Being a by-law to establish Open Air Burning Procedures.
Zoning By-Law
Being a by-law to regulate the use of land and the character, form, height, location and dimensions of buildings and structures. The By-law has been prepared to conform to and to implement the policies of the Official Plan for the Sudbury East Planning Area. By regulating the use of land, buildings and structures, this By-law helps to ensure compatibility between different land uses and minimize land use conflicts.
Canine Control By-law
Being a by-law to prohibit and regulate the keeping of animals or any class thereof within the municipality.
Pool Fencing By-law
Being a by-law to regulate enclosures around privately owned outdoor swimming pools.
Cemetery By-law
Being a by-law of the corporation of the Municipality of Markstay-Warren for the maintenance, management regulation, and control of the St-Thomas, Warren Public, Warren Protestant, and St Mark cemeteries.
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To search for all by-laws related to specific topics use the keyword search option and use the following search topics:


cemetery by-laws related to cemeteries
financial by-laws related to treasury like water, sewer, and taxation
transportation by-laws related to roads, speed, maintenance
 waster management by-laws related to landfill, garbage collection 

By-Law Enforcement is responsible for investigating concerns related to by-law contraventions and property standards issues.  Our approach to by-law enforcement is primarily complaint-based.  We are committed to the delivery of professional by-law enforcement in a timely and effective manner.  

The primary goals of by-law enforcement are:

  • Public safety;
  • Maintenance of community standards; and
  • Management of behavioural and nuisance issues to promote a harmonious living environment for residents and their neighbours.

By-Law Enforcement is done through a shared services agreement with Sudbury East Building and By-Law Services (SEBBS). For contact information, contact SEBBS at 705-507-1177 or by email, at